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MA Electric Rate Case Announcement Bill Insert in:  English  |  Spanish  |  Portuguese  |  Haitian-Creole  |  Khmer  |  Mandarin

MA Non-Pipes Alternative Framework Development (DPU 20-80) Public Listening Session
November 1, 2024

On December 6, 2023, the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU) requested natural gas distribution companies to engage with stakeholders to develop a framework for Non-Pipeline Alternatives (NPA). The natural gas companies want to gather input from a wide range of people with their viewpoints to ensure the NPA framework meets customer needs while maintaining safety and reliability as the gas system evolves.

To engage the public in this effort, there will be two Public Listening Session opportunities for individuals and organizations that would like to stay informed and provide input. Both sessions will be held virtually, with a daytime and evening option: 

  • Daytime Listening Session (virtual): November 14, 12PM – 1:30PM (REGISTER HERE)
  • Evening Listening Session (virtual): Monday November 18, 6 – 7PM (REGISTER HERE)

The public listening sessions will be geared toward education about the gas system, overall goals of the NPA framework process, and gathering initial questions/comments from the public. Feedback from the listening sessions will be shared with and incorporated into discussions between the gas companies and additional stakeholders involved in the NPA framework process. Minutes and public comments will be posted on the NPA Stakeholder Website.

If you are not able to attend one of the sessions, but are interested in submitting comments or receiving email updates about the NPA Stakeholder process, please visit our website and/or reach out to us at   Participants who wish to submit comments in languages other than English may do so; their comments will be translated and posted in both the original language and English.

Announcement in:  Spanish  |  Portuguese  |  Chinese

Dear EV Stakeholder,

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company each d/b/a National Grid (“National Grid”) and NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy (“Eversource”) (together, “Companies”) are holding the fourth stakeholder session virtually related to the Companies’ Electric Vehicle Time-of-Use (“EV TOU”) Rate filings filed on August 11, 2023 in D.P.U. 23-84 and D.P.U. 23-85 with the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. This email serves as initial notice of the fourth stakeholder session. An agenda will be circulated closer to the session.

Date: Thursday, May 2nd, 2024

Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EST

Please mark your calendars and use the registration link below to register and access the meeting:

 * Please note registration confirmation emails have been landing in spam folders. Please check your spam folder following registration.

D.P.U. 24-177 - Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, for approval of its Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target Factor Filing for rates to be effective January 1, 2025.

D.P.U. 24-160 - Notice of Filing, Public Hearing, and Request for Comments - Joint Petition of NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy, Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company each d/b/a National Grid, and Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company d/b/a Unitil for Approval of Settlement Agreement on Amendment of Transmission Service Agreements.

D.P.U. 24-GSEP-03 - Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Boston Gas Company d/b/a National Grid for Approval of its 2025 Gas System Enhancement Plan, pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 145, for rates effective May 1, 2025.

D.P.U. 24-148 - Notice of Filing and Public Hearing - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, pursuant to G.L. c. 25, § 21, for approval by the Department of Public Utilities of its Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plan for 2025 through 2027.  If you would like further information about the 2025-2027 Three-Year Plan, please visit the Mass Save website at:

D.P.U. 24-148 - AVISO DE PRESENTACIÓN Y AUDIENCIAS PÚBLICAS -  Petición de Massachusetts Electric Company y Nantucket Electric Company, cada una operando bajo el nombre de National Grid, de conformidad con las G. L. c. 25, § 21, para la aprobación por parte del Departamento de Servicios Públicos de su Plan Trienal de Eficiencia Energética para el período 2025 a 2027.

D.P.U.24-148 - 备案及听证会通知 - 均以 National Grid 名义对外运营的 Massachusetts Electric Company 和 Nantucket Electric Company,依据马萨诸塞州《通用法律》第 25 章第 21 条向公共事业部申请批准其 2025 至 2027 年《三年能源效率计划》。

D.P.U.24-148 - 提交申請與公開聽證通知 - Massachusetts Electric Company 和 Nantucket Electric Company,均以 National Grid 名義運作,依據該州《通用法規》第 25 章第 21 條向麻薩諸塞州公共事業部申請批准其 2025 年至 2027 年的三年期節能計畫。

D.P.U. 24-148 - THÔNG BÁO NỘP ĐƠN VÀ BUỔI ĐIỀU TRẦN CÔNG KHAI - Yêu cầu tham gia của Massachusetts Electric Company và Nantucket Electric Company, tên giao dịch của từng công ty là National Grid, theo G.L.c.25, § 21, để xin Sở Tiện ích Công cộng phê duyệt Kế hoạch Tiết kiệm Năng lượng Ba năm từ năm 2025 đến năm 2027.

D.P.U. 24-148 - AVISO DE ARQUIVAMENTO E AUDIÊNCIAS PÚBLICAS - Petição da Massachusetts Electric Company e da Nantucket Electric Company, ambas denominadas National Grid, de acordo com GL c. 25, § 21, para aprovação pelo Departamento de Serviços Públicos do seu Plano de Eficiência Energética Trienal de 2025 a 2027.

D.P.U. 24-148 - AVI DEPO AK ODYANS PIBLIK YO - Petisyon Massachusetts Electric Company ak Nantucket Electric Company, non komèsyal yo se National Grid, daprè G.L. c. 25, § 21, pou Depatman Sèvis Piblik yo apwouve Plan Efikasite Enèjetik Twazan li a pou 2025 jiska 2027.

D.P.U. 24-144 - Notice of Filing and Public Hearing - Petition of Boston Gas Company d/b/a National Grid, pursuant to G.L. c. 25, § 21, for approval by the Department of Public Utilities of its Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plan for 2025 through 2027. If you would like further information about the 2025-2027 Three-Year Plan, please visit the Mass Save website at:

D.P.U. 24-144 - AVISO DE PRESENTACIÓN Y AUDIENCIAS PÚBLICAS - Petición de Boston Gas Company, que opera bajo el nombre de National Grid, de conformidad con las G. L. c. 25, § 21, para la aprobación por parte del Departamento de Servicios Públicos de su Plan Trienal de Eficiencia Energética para el período 2025 a 2027.

D.P.U.24-144 - 备案及听证会通知 - 以 National Grid 名义对外运营的 Boston Gas Company,依据马萨诸塞州《通用法律》第 25 章第 21 条向公共事业部申请批准其 2025 至 2027 年《三年能源效率计划》。

D.P.U.24-144 - 提交申請與公開聽證通知 - Boston Gas Company,以 National Grid 名義運作,依據該州《通用法規》第 25 章第 21 條向麻薩諸塞州公共事業部申請批准其 2025 年至 2027 年的三年期節能計畫。

D.P.U. 24-144 - THÔNG BÁO NỘP ĐƠN VÀ BUỔI ĐIỀU TRẦN CÔNG KHAI - Yêu cầu tham gia của Boston Gas Company, tên giao dịch là National Grid, theo G.L.c.25, § 21, để xin Sở Tiện ích Công cộng phê duyệt Kế hoạch Tiết kiệm Năng lượng Ba năm từ năm 2025 đến năm 2027.

D.P.U. 24-144 - AVISO DE ARQUIVAMENTO E AUDIÊNCIAS PÚBLICAS - Petição da Boston Gas Company, também conhecida como National Grid, de acordo com GL c. 25, § 21, para aprovação pelo Departamento de Serviços Públicos do seu Plano de Eficiência Energética Trienal para 2025 a 2027.

D.P.U. 24-144 - AVI DEPO AK ODYANS PIBLIK YO - Petisyon Boston Gas Company ki gen non komèsyal National Grid, daprè G.L. c. 25, § 21, pou Depatman Sèvis Piblik yo apwouve Plan Efikasite Enèjetik Twazan li a pou 2025 jiska 2027.

D.P.U. 24-103 - Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Boston Gas Company d/b/a National Grid for approval of its annual pension adjustment factor rate adjustment and reconciliation filing for effect November 1, 2024.

D.P.U. 24-129 - Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, to the Department of Public Utilities for approval of recovery of costs associated with a Solar Phase III generation facility located in Grafton, Massachusetts, constructed pursuant to Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, D.P.U. 16-104, and in accordance with the Solar Cost Adjustment Provision, M.D.P.U. No. 1477.

D.P.U. 24-PGAF-GRID - Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Boston Gas Company d/b/a National Grid pursuant to G.L. c. 164 and 220 CMR 6.04, 6.11 for approval of its 2024/25 local distribution adjustment factor and peak gas adjustment factor filings, effective November 1, 2024.

D.P.U. 24-108 - Notice of Hearing and Request for Comments - Petition of Boston Gas Company d/b/a National Grid for approval of its Revenue Decoupling Adjustment Factors for the 2024 Peak Period, November 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025.

D.P.U. 24-AMP Hearing Officer Memorandum (8/21/24) - RE: 2024 Arrearage Management Programs.

D.P.U. 24-117 - Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Boston Gas Company d/b/a National Grid, for approval of its Electronic Payment Recovery Factor for effect November 1, 2024.

D.P.U. 24-41 - Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, for recovery of incremental operations and maintenance expenses associated with eight (8) qualifying storm events that occurred from January through December 2022.

D.P.U. 24-99 - Notice of Public Hearing and Notice for Comments - Notice of Public Hearing and Notice for Comments - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid for Approval of a Mid-Term Modification to its 2022-2024 Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plan.

D.P.U. 24-98 Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Boston Gas Company d/b/a National Grid for Approval of a Mid-Term Modification to its 2022-2024 Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plan.

D.P.U. 24-95 Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company each d/b/a National Grid for Approval to Defer Major Storm Threshold Amounts for Calendar Year 2023 Storms.

D.P.U. 24-68 Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, for review and approval of a Performance-Based Ratemaking Plan.

D.P.U. 23-108 - Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy, Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company d/b/a National Grid, and Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company d/b/a Unitil for review and approval by the Department of Public Utilities of the Companies' revised model net metering tariff (Model NM Tariff).

D.P.U. 23-113 - Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of NSTAR Electric Company d/b/a Eversource Energy, Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company d/b/a National Grid, and Fitchburg Gas and Electric Light Company d/b/a Unitil for review and approval by the Department of Public Utilities of the Companies' revised model Standards for the Interconnection of Distributed Generation tariff (Model DG Tariff).

D.P.U. 24-64 Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, for review and approval by the Department of Public Utilities of Proposed Electric Vehicle Program Factors.

D.P.U. 23-150 - Notice of Filing and Rescheduling Public Hearing - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 94 and 220 CMR 5.00, for Approval of a General Increase in Base Distribution Rates for Electric Service, a Performance-Based Ratemaking Plan, and a Capital Recovery Mechanism. (English)

D.P.U. 23-150 - AVISO DE PRESENTACIÓN DE PETICIÓN Y AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA REPROGRAMADA (NANTUCKET) - Petición de Massachusetts Electric Company y Nantucket Electric Company, que operan comercialmente como National Grid, de conformidad con las Leyes Generales (G.L., por sus siglas en inglés), capítulo (c.) 164, secciones (§) 94 y 220 CMR 5.00 (Código de Reglamentos de Massachusetts o CMR, por sus siglas en inglés), para la aprobación de un aumento general de las tarifas base de distribución del servicio eléctrico, un Plan tarifario basado en el rendimiento y un Mecanismo de recuperación de capital.

D.P.U. 23-150 - Notice of Filing and Rescheduling Public Hearing - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 94 and 220 CMR 5.00, for Approval of a General Increase in Base Distribution Rates for Electric Service, a Performance-Based Ratemaking Plan, and a Capital Recovery Mechanism. (English)

D.P.U. 23-150 - AVISO DE PRESENTACIÓN DE PETICIÓN Y AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA REPROGRAMADA (NANTUCKET) - Petición de Massachusetts Electric Company y Nantucket Electric Company, que operan comercialmente como National Grid, de conformidad con las Leyes Generales (G.L., por sus siglas en inglés), capítulo (c.) 164, secciones (§) 94 y 220 CMR 5.00 (Código de Reglamentos de Massachusetts o CMR, por sus siglas en inglés), para la aprobación de un aumento general de las tarifas base de distribución del servicio eléctrico, un Plan tarifario basado en el rendimiento y un Mecanismo de recuperación de capital.

D.P.U. 23-150 - Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 94 and 220 CMR 5.00, for Approval of a General Increase in Base Distribution Rates for Electric Service, a Performance-Based Ratemaking Plan, and a Capital Recovery Mechanism.

D.P.U. 23-150 - AVISO DE APLAZAMIENTO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA - Petición de Massachusetts Electric Company y Nantucket Electric Company, que operan comercialmente como National Grid, de conformidad con las Leyes Generales (G.L., por sus siglas en inglés), capítulo (c.) 164, secciones (§) 94 y 220 CMR 5.00 (Código de Reglamentos de Massachusetts o CMR, por sus siglas en inglés), para la aprobación de un aumento general de las tarifas base de distribución del servicio eléctrico, un Plan tarifario basado en el rendimiento y un Mecanismo de recuperación de capital.

D.P.U. 24-11 Notice of Filing, Public Hearings, and Request for Comments - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 92B, for Approval of its Electric Sector Modernization Plan.

D.P.U. 24-02 Notice of Filing and Request for Comments - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, to the Department of Public Utilities for approval of its annual reconciliation filing for recovery of costs through its Solar Cost Adjustment Provision Tariff, M.D.P.U. No. 1477.

D.P.U. 23-115 - Notice of Filing and Public Hearing - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company each d/b/a National Grid for review and approval by the Department of Public Utilities of the Company's Operational Parameters for Energy Storage Systems Tariff, filed pursuant to Chapter 179, Section 72 of the Acts of 2022.

D.P.U. 23-150 - Notice of Filing and Public Hearing - Petition of Massachusetts Electric Company and Nantucket Electric Company, each d/b/a National Grid, pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 94 and 220 CMR 5.00, for Approval of a General Increase in Base Distribution Rates for Electric Service, a Performance-Based Ratemaking Plan, and a Capital Recovery Mechanism. (English).

D.P.U. 23-150 - ANONS SOU DESIZYON AK ODISYON PIBLIK - Demann Konpayi Elektrik Massachusetts la (Massachusetts Electric Company) ak Konpayi Elektrik Nantucket la (Nantucket Electric Company) fè, k ap fè biznis antanke Elektrisite Nasyonal (National Grid), ann amoni ak Lwa Jeneral Massachusetts (G.L.) chapit 164, paragraf 94 ak 220 Kòd Regleman Massachusetts (CMR) 5.00, pou jwenn apwobasyon pou yo ogmante jeneral to de baz yo pou kouran, pou yo fè yon plan pou fikse to yo sou baz pèfòmans, e pou yon metòd pou ratrape lajan. (Haitian Creole).

D.P.U 23-150 - សេចកតីជូនដំណឹងអំពីការដ្ឋក់ឯកសារ និងេវនាការសាធារណ - ញត្តិរបស់ក្រុមហ ៊ុនអគ្គិសនី Massachusetts និង ក្រុមហ ៊ុនអគ្គិសនី Nantucket, តាមររៀង d/b/a បណ្តតញអគ្គិសនីជាត្ិ អន៊ុរោមតាមច្បាប់ទូរៅ G.L. c. 164, § 94 និង 220 CMR 5.00 សក្ាប់ការអន៊ុម័ត្ការដាំរ ើងទូរៅរ ើអក្តាខច្បរចាយមូ ដ្ឋាន សក្ាប់រសវាអគ្គិសនី ខែនការវាយត្ថ្មៃខែែររ ើការអន៊ុវត្ត និងយនតការស្ដាររដើមទ៊ុន។ (Khmer).

D.P.U. 23-150 - AVISO DE APRESENTAÇÃO E AUDIÇÃO PÚBLICA - Petição da Massachusetts Electric Company e da Nantucket Electric Company, cada uma d/b/a National Grid, nos termos das Leis Gerais, Capítulo 164, Secção 94 (G.L. c. 164, § 94) e do Código dos Regulamentos de Massachusetts Capítulo 220, Secção 5.00 (220 CMR 5.00), para Aprovação de um Aumento Geral nas Tarifas Básicas de Distribuição do Serviço Elétrico, de um Plano de Fixação de Tarifas com Base no Desempenho e de um Mecanismo de Recuperação de Capital. (Portuguese).

D.P.U. 23-150 - 提交和公开听证会通知 - 根据马萨诸塞州法典第164章第94条(G.L. c. 164, § 94) 和220 CMR 5.00,马萨诸塞州电力 公司(Massachusetts Electric Company)和 Nantucket 电力公司(均以 National Grid 名 义)申请批准电气服务的配电基本费率进行总体增加,以及执行基于绩效的定价计划和资 本收回机制。(Simplified Chinese).

D.P.U. 23-150 - AVISO DE PRESENTACIÓN DE PETICIÓN Y AUDIENCIAS PÚBLICAS - Petición de Massachusetts Electric Company y Nantucket Electric Company, que operan comercialmente como National Grid, de conformidad con las Leyes Generales (G.L., por sus siglas en inglés), capítulo (c.) 164, secciones (§) 94 y 220 CMR 5.00 (Código de Reglamentos de Massachusetts o CMR, por sus siglas en inglés), para la aprobación de un aumento general de las tarifas base de distribución del servicio eléctrico, un Plan tarifario basado en el rendimiento y un Mecanismo de recuperación de capital. (Spanish).

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